Things to know if you have PCOS


If you have been recently diagnosed with PCOS or have had the condition for a long time but are unaware of its ins and outs, then you are at the right place. Keep reading the article to learn all about this condition, what it is, its symptoms, PCOS natural treatment options & its management, how diet and PCOS herbal teas work for PCOS, and more.


Let's start by understanding PCOS

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, as the name suggests, is a disorder caused by hormonal imbalance, wherein testosterone levels increase in the female body, and ovarian cysts are formed, which leads to irregular periods, acne, hair loss, and high insulin levels.


Symptoms of PCOS

Since PCOS is often a result of hormonal imbalance, it can cause trouble both inside and outside of the body. Women with PCOS often deal with one or a combination of symptoms which includes excessive facial & body hair, acne, delayed periods, excessive menstrual flow, and receding hairline. But, one of the most ailing effects of PCOS is weight loss difficulty and obesity, which makes the condition difficult to tackle.


Complications Associated with PCOS

PCOS is all about management and what step you employ to combat its symptoms. Overlooking PCOS for a long time can lead to infertility, Type 2 Diabetes, and in some cases, heart ailments. PCOS can be genetic and sometimes carried forward by family members. You must be aware of PCOS, especially if you’re already overweight, as excessive weight reduces insulin resistance in the body. Also, less menstrual flow could be a symptom.


PCOS myths and facts

The facts:

     Approximately one in 5 women suffers from PCOs in India

     Women with PCOS can have a regular central cycle

     All women dealing with PCOS may not have ovarian cysts.

     Women with PCOS reach menopause late than women without PCOS.


The Myths:

     Irregular periods are the only reason for PCOS: A PCOS diagnosis cannot be formed by considering a particular symptom. It's important to consider other symptoms along with irregularity in periods, such as acne, excessive facial hair, and ovarian cysts.

     Women with PCOS can't conceive: This is true to some extent, but it is not for every case. Some women naturally get pregnant without PCOS treatment, whereas others need medical aid but conceive.

     Only obese and overweight women are affected by PCOS: Yes, weight is one of the factors. But PCOS can affect any woman irrespective of their weight.

     PCOS doesn't have treatment: Well, that's not true. Yes, PCOS doesn't have a cure yet, but it's manageable through certain medications, diets, and exercise.


What are the treatment options for effective management of PCOS?

PCOS is a long-term disorder without a medically verified treatment. However, medications, lifestyle changes, and other therapies can help manage your symptoms. For instance, anti-diabetic and anti-androgenic medications get prescribed to women depending on the types of PCOS for balancing hormones and blood sugar levels to regularize menstrual irregularities and aid in weight loss.


Some dietary and lifestyle changes are suggested for PCOS management.


     Diet for PCOS: A diet specifically designed for PCOS is one of the most helpful tools to appropriately nourish your body from the inside while helping you achieve a healthy weight and good insulin levels. Some of the must-haves for a PCOS diet are protein (paneer, tofu, eggs, etc.), high fiber (oats, beans, fruits, green leafy vegetables), and good fats (olive oil, nuts).

     PCOD tea: Green tea is an excellent way of countering PCOS symptoms. It's incredibly nourishing and filled with multiple health benefits. Consuming green tea for PCOS helps you achieve a calming effect and weight loss. It also decreases insulin and testosterone in women suffering from PCOS.

     Exercise: Including some form of exercise in your daily routines, such as walking, cycling, or yoga, help you stay active and lose weight while reducing stress levels.



PCOS may seem scary and unmanageable from a distant end, but the good news is it's under your control. By actively consulting with your doctors and nutritionists, you can chart out the best PCOS natural treatment plan and lead a better life than women without PCOS.



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